Did you know that men are far more likely to walk away from a marriage than women when faced with a seriously ill spouse?  An article on WebMD tells about a study conducted by neuro-oncologist Marc Chamberlain, MD, showing that women who fall victim to a serious illness also fall victim to an unwanted or unexpected divorce.

Chamberlain and his colleagues, “got the idea for the study after noticing that divorces were far more common among their female brain cancer patients than their male patients.”  Once he began the study, Chamberlain discovered similar patters among cancer patients and patients with multiple sclerosis.

The study focused on patients with certain illness who got divorced and found that 90% of these divorces were initiated by men.

Gender Divorce Gap After Illness Strikes

I have the pleasure to be involved with a wonderful workshop series called Second Saturday: What Women Need to Know About Divorce.  This free workshop includes a panel of professionals including divorce attorneys, mental health professionals, and financial advisers, and it happens on the second Saturday of each month (hence the name!).   Candace Bahr and  Ginita Wall started this series of workshops in California, and it has spread nationwide.  It’s an invaluable resource for women who are thinking about or are in the middle of getting a divorce.

Click here for more info on the upcoming Alabama workshop.

You can learn more about other Second Saturday workshops here.